Who Is Jon Udell and Why Is He Following Me?


This is actually pretty funny. I am now presented with yet another chance to have fun at Jon Udell’s expense. First, some background. Many of you know, we were honored to have Jon talk at our Faculty Academy ’06 edition. We were quadruplely (???) honored when he had very kind words regarding the Teaching and Learning crew here at UMW. We continue to keep Jon in the "minds that inspire us" category. So imagine how tickled I was to see how persistent Jon was in trying to follow me on Twitter, as demonstrated by my Hotmail account (my Twitter email address of record). Sure looks like Jon is spamming me something awful. Well, truth be told, it’s actually Twitter not working right (how’s that possible πŸ˜‰ ).

The other fact is that I recently discovered Jon was on Twitter more regularly. There was even this recent cryptic message from Jon that actually turned out to be a basis for a blog post. Jon being on Twitter is to me a good sign that it is an appropriate tool to be using in my work. I want to know what Jon is working on and Twitter gives me access to his and other great minds, including my colleagues here at UMW.

I direct messaged Jon on Twitter telling him that I would un-follow and then re-follow him to see it that fixed things. We’ll see, but Jon you should know, it’s an honor to be spammed by you!


2 Responses

  1. “Jon you should know, it’s an honor to be spammed by you!”

    My pleasure πŸ™‚

    I was surprised to find that such a basic function would be randomly but stubbornly broken for certain pairwise relationships and not others. So I banged on it quite a bit.

    I guess, actually, that in view of the shard architecture of these social databases, I shouldn’t have been so surprised.

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