Author: Andy Rush

WordPress Dashboard screenshot. Write.

Thanks, Tom Woodward

Thanks to Tom Woodward, I am doing some Thanksgiving WordPress blogging. He wrote this awesome, simple, WP plugin that makes an “Easy Button” for writing

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A Joyful Reunion

Hey, Gardner Campbell, I’d like to introduce you to my new friends. Back on August 13th, I accepted a job to come to the University

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I lost count how many times I saw this thumbnail in my Twitter stream yesterday: I and other folks in DTLT have been following the

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A Follow-up

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. At the moment, I’m taking some needed days off, but I’m happy to say that “Andyland”

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A Setback

“I’ve lost all my work!” That was the first thought in my head as I found out that the Media Editing Suite, affectionately called “Andy

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