Let me make this clearer
Tweet Like Phillips Seafood – CogDogBlog
Just to prove to Andy Rush that you can publish from storify to your own blog and have all the content there. This was done with the One-click publishing at storify that I connected to my blog. This is how a business can make a customer feel valued- tweeting back in a way that you know it is a person behind the tweet.
The problem is that I had already discovered the “one-click” publishing, and I didn’t make it clear in the original post that I had used that feature.
I also discovered that when I edited the HTML in the post on my blog, the changes didn’t appear. That’s because at the end of the post, Storify adds a piece of Javascript that forces the loading of the “story” from the Storify website. Taking the Javascript out makes the post look meh.
So I’m still playing around here trying to see what is the best approach. I really like the Storify editor. Pulling in the elements on the Storify site is done in a nice Ajax-y way. It’s just that the elements look blah when you aren’t pulling them from Storify (in other words without that Javascript stuff).
I’m going to add a tweet just to see what it looks like.
“ | CogDogBlogged: Tweet Like Phillips Seafood http://cogdogblog.com/7340 | |||
By the way I removed the Javascript from this post as well.
One Response
Agh you want the content in your blog AND dynamic? The sky, moon, and heavens?
I guess I can see storify to compose content and publish to blog, like Flickr dies, as a snapshot–
Oh I think I see what you are after, you would like the interface storify has for pulling content into your blog. That would be cool- wordpress has bits of that in the oembed stuff…