Cycling With Diabetes

Catchy title, eh? This post is an attempt to put some thoughts down about where cycling fits within my new diabetes diagnosis. I’m still in the WTF stage of my knowledge about the disease. I


Those of you who know anything about me know how much I love cycling. What I don’t love is cycling maintenance. I have a 1-year old bike now that I haven’t taken in for service

YANS – Yet Another New Studio

Lucky 7. We have just completed the renovation of a new space, that will soon be the New CIRT Studio. (Make sure you scroll to the bottom of this post to see the current view

Black screen

Fade to Black

I screwed up a faculty recording yesterday. As one of my colleagues said, “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.” I couldn’t agree more. I won’t “out” the faculty member, yet, but they were

Honestly, I’ve Been Blogging

Let me be frank (even though my name is Andy). I do hate looking at my blog and seeing my most recent post was almost a year ago. And then I remember that since then

Talent vs. Equipment? It’s Talent!!!

UPDATE 2021: This landed at the top of my blog because of an edit I made in Mars Edit – blog editing software from Red Sweater Software. It was originally published in May of 2005.

DJI Mini 2 drone in flight with woods in background

Flight Reboot

4 Years and 7 blog posts ago, I wrote about getting my FAA issued UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) Remote Pilot’s license. I also mentioned some “trajectories have been altered”. There is never a promise in

The studio filled with equipment

Live From a Button-filled Studio

“Hopefully, Andy will blog…” was the command that Jim Groom gave as he wrote about the Reclaim Today episode that I joined with both Jim, and Tim Owens, the founders of Reclaim Hosting. Of course,

tools on a workbench

Posting in a New and Yet Familiar Place

A blog post. No apologies for time elapsed since the last one. No promises of when the next one will come. However, this post ushers in an exciting (to me) new tool to refresh the

The Last Frame of ‘Every Frame a Painting’

There are many good video essay channels out there, but one that was particularly instructive to me was Every Frame a Painting. Sadly, they will cease to produce content. A tip of the hat to
