Surface Computing (aka Multi-touch)

Thanks to David Pogue for pointing to this cool Popular Mechanics video. It features the famous Jefferson “Jeff” Han who talked about the “multi-touch” computer at the TED conference back in February 2006. I’d love one of these “coffee tables” in my media room.


3 Responses

  1. they’re cool, but coffee table is the wrong form factor. imagine hunching over a coffee table, stretching to reach the far corners, for an hour or so. ergonomics be damned…

    it’s cool, but something smaller and hand-held would be better. more of a book than a table. we don’t print books on the top of tables, we make them small enough to pick up and pass around.

    maybe a large pictureframe hanging on a wall, like a Smart board? even then, you’d be standing in front of it for a long time…

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