Three for the Price of One – Hot Recorder,, and Dolby Headphone

Hot recorder - - Dolby headphones

I was exposed to three cool new technologies this past week:

Hot Recorder – Actually this is one I’ve been aware of for a while. It is an EASY way to record the conversations you have with Skype (and now Google Talk). There are more traditional ways to record the audio from these Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps, but Hot Recorder just makes it simple. $14.95 for the full version which allows you to export a .wav file. Otherwise the receiver of the file needs Hot Recorder to listen. – A new meta-search engine with cool results and possibilities, including OPML support. What’s cool is that you can search for a topic by including the term or terms in the URL, as in or . Get the OPML listing by appending opml to the end of the URL, as in . There are a few catagories to search as well such as “social” (use /o at the end of the URL) and “photo” (/p).

Dolby Headphone – The most amazing thing I’ve heard in my headphones in a long time. There are a few demos at the Dolby site, but the cool one for me was the Diggnation video recorded at Dolby labs. At about the 4:00 minute mark they switch briefly to the Dolby Headphone audio and it’s awesome (to borrow a phrase from the kids)!


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