It’s time to MS Ride


Since I’ve had a blog, I haven’t ever used it to solicit pledges for the annual MS Ride that I do. However, this year is somewhat special in that it will be my 10th year of riding for Team BRUCE (Bikers Ride Until a Cure Exists). BRUCE is actually Bruce Lowery, who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1992. Bruce’s wife Pam works here at the University of Mary Washington, and she was at one time my boss in the early days of Instructional Technology on this campus. She recruited me back in 1999, and since Lance Armstrong narrowly beat me out to lead the new U.S. Postal Cycling Team 😉 , I told her I would love to do it.

Every year when spring comes and I really think of training seriously for the 2-day, 150 mile ride, I always struggle trying to balance the end of the semester, getting ready for Faculty Academy, and training for the two consecutive 75 mile rides. Then I think of Bruce, who struggles daily with his disease, and Pam, who struggles with him. We ride from Richmond, VA to Williamsburg, VA the first day, and then back again the next. Quite by accident I have established a streak of finishing first in Williamsburg for the last 8 years (I rode a mountain bike the first year – ouch). I consider it a challenge to not just ride, but to finish it as fast as I can and push my body for about 4 hours. I’ve ridden through a lot of weather – rain, heat, and even Tropical Storm Barry just last year. We ride because it’s a little bit of suffering to highlight the larger suffering that goes on daily with people with M.S.

So in honor of my 10th ride, I’d like to take advantage of my larger network and encourage you to help me raise finds for this year’s Virginia Credit Union Ride 2008 (formerly the “Virginia Dare”). Please visit my MS Participant page and click the Donate button. You can also throw me some good vibes on May 31 and June 1. Although I will ride in any weather that they tell me is safe to ride in, I prefer sunny and about 75-77 degrees. You can also check out some photos from Bruce’s Flickr photostream.


4 Responses

  1. Even though I’m always picking on you I think what you are doing is great. You’ve got my financial support and I’ll be sending you good vibes during the ride. One question though, will you be Twittering during the ride? ; P

  2. Shannon – Thanks so much for your support. I’ll do my best to Twitter at least a couple of times during the ride! 😉

  3. Go Andy go! Keep the streak alive!

    BTW – how fast can you ride and Twitter at the same time? You might want to consider using Jott to Twitter – much safer. 🙂

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